Monday, July 29, 2013


If you comment on my post what type of music you listen to i will write about it. <3 - Denise .B.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Voice

The voice is one thing that reflects music. When you sing your voice lets go of words that lead to lyrics and make a song. when the ears hear music the voice acts on it and starts to sing. Thats how voices, songs, and music all start.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I have a piano and it lets go of music once you play it. I think its like each key represents an instrument a different note , sound ,beat or rythem. A rythem would be when you , lets say choose three notes and put thm in a pattern or specific way.  A  sound  would  be none as in other words a noise , something you can hear. Last a beat would be like a rythem or a noise you craete with your hands, feet, or an object ect.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

just A normal day

When i woke up today i put my headphones in my ears and blasted my music till my ears can hold. The music made my lips, my hips, my arms, and legs move. The feeling rushed through me like a race car. I simply do this every day when i wake up and it makes me want to DANCE!!! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Music you feel

 There is sometimes music you lay down and listen to. You understand and feel the urge to get up and dance. This feeling sometimes leads us to a song that makes you sad or happy and makes you jam to it or cry. Hip hop can lead you into a song that makes you get up and put a whole line of moves you feel in to a dance. Hip hop also shows a story that represents how you feel about music and how you you feel about dancing to it just like soft and meaningful ones. They make you sometimes because the ones that tell stories might be about rough time possible they had in life.